The Heron's Nest

Volume XVII, Number 3: September 2015

Haiku — page 7

garbage day—
by morning honeysuckle

Tanya McDonald
Woodinville, Washington

in my face
the gnat

Elizabeth Steinglass
Washington, District of Columbia

glistening on telephone poles
midday heat

Christopher Herold
Port Townsend, Washington

drowsy afternoon
clover heads heavy
with beebuzz

Michele Root-Bernstein
East Lansing, Michigan

African summer
elephants trumpet
in the dusty plains

Rakotomahefa Diamondra.
Tana, Madagascar

cracked flagstone
an ant lugging its caterpillar

David McCann Watertown, Massachusetts

sea of dry grass
the news that there is
no Ithaca

Ernest Wit
Warsaw, Poland

tall grass
so dry it hums
dad's death day

Robert Epstein
El Cerrito, California

prayer circle
the time it takes dust
to settle

Sandra Simpson
Tauranga, New Zealand

I hoist my son
onto my shoulders
solar eclipse

John McManus
Carlisle, Cumbria

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