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Favorites from 2002

The Heron's Nest

a haikai journal ...


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Volume V, Number 1: January, 2003.
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors' Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

Maria Steyn

Allen McGill

Kay F. Anderson

Cindy Zackowitz

Gary Hotham

Jack Barry

paul m.

Michael Meyerhofer

Gabriel Rosenstock

John W. Wisdom

the old cat rubs
her nose in the French lavender –
morning dew

Maria Steyn


misty morning –
the young heron's feet
spring green

Kay F. Anderson


careful steps
rocking the boat
rocking the top of the ocean

Gary Hotham


almost dusk
an open door
to the lighthouse

paul m.


the lagoon egret –
sound of clothes
washed on stones

Gabriel Rosenstock



towering pines
a bobcat prowls
in the early mist

Allen McGill


clearing sky –
a young gull
tests the wind

Cindy Zackowitz


the last telephone pole
a herring gull perched
on one leg

Jack Barry


day in the park –
finding a cherry blossom
in the baby's diaper

Michael Meyerhofer


scarlet sunset –
a fighting cock's feathers
ruffle in the breeze

John W. Wisdom



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