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Favorites from 2002

The Heron’s Nest

a haikai journal ...


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Volume V, Number 9: September, 2003.
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors' Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

Gary Hotham

Pamela Miller Ness

Elizabeth Howard

Connie Donleycott


Tomislav Maretic

Lenard D. Moore

Robert Gilliland

Timothy Hawkes

Matthew Paul

the stone back —
ants that were under
the stone

Gary Hotham


cherry petals drifting
across the sunny porch
the cat yawns

Elizabeth Howard


cracks in cement —
pre-packaged soil
for wildflower seeds



spring wind —
the pregnant woman walks
into the ocean

Lenard D. Moore


last light . . .
the mockingbird
tries a new song

Timothy Hawkes



Mother’s Day alone —
a neighbor’s first iris
pokes through the fence

Pamela Miller Ness


potting shed
the scattered leaks
of sunlight

Connie Donleycott


workday over —
she presses her face
into wet lilac leaves

Tomislav Maretic


evening calm
a hummingbird works her way up
the trumpet vine

Robert Gilliland


summer solstice
a roofer lays new slates
among the old

Matthew Paul



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