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Favorites from 2002

The Heron’s Nest

a haikai journal ...


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume V, Number 12: December, 2003.
Copyright © 2003. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors' Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

Sue Stanford

Robert Gilliland

Gary Hotham

Helga Härle

Cherie Hunter Day

Sonia Cristina Coman

Katherine Cudney

Helen Buckingham

Sabine Miller

Jerry M. Bryant

just you and me
awake all night

Sue Stanford


street of rain —
the list of errands folded

Gary Hotham


poems by Rilke
all morning the drifting
of pine pollen

Cherie Hunter Day


a purple tree
when did I stop
being young?

Katherine Cudney


day moon
a child feigning sleep
in the hammock

Sabine Miller



quiet rain . . .
garden gate held open
with a hoe

Robert Gilliland


floating clouds —
fragments of a conversation
across the lake

Helga Härle


children playing —
soap bubbles burst
in the fir needles

Sonia Cristina Coman


     sunny day . . .
  losing all sense
of my stone pillow

Helen Buckingham


carefully tended roses
he dozes in the swing
she always loved

Jerry M. Bryant



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