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Favorites from 2003

The Heron’s Nest

a haikai journal ...


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VI, Number 9: October, 2004.
Copyright © 2004. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Haiku Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Index of Poets

John Stevenson

Charlie Close

Elizabeth Howard

Sabine Miller

Helen Buckingham

Peter Yovu

Connie Donleycott

Stephen Engleman

Helen Russell

Gary Hotham

snow glare —
the scent of lotion
on a pair of sunglasses

John Stevenson


hazy dawn
a skunk’s white stripe
blends with the daisies

Elizabeth Howard


Chinese New Year —
daring to call my sister
              a monkey

Helen Buckingham


miles of beach . . .
the sudden urge
to run

Connie Donleycott


walking off anger . . .
exactly mid-path

Helen Russell



almost spring
on every window

Charlie Close


the toddler sticks his finger
in a daffodil

Sabine Miller


sea mist burning off —
a sandpiper glides by
on blurred legs

Peter Yovu


formal garden —
dog-toothed violets
loose on the lawn

Stephen Engleman


yesterday’s rain —
another butterfly changes
the size of the blossom

Gary Hotham



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