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Favorites from 2005

Illustration Contest Results

The Heron’s Nest


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Volume VIII, Number 2: June, 2006.
Copyright © 2006. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15
In Memoriam:  Tombo (Lorraine Ellis Harr),  Kaji Aso

Bruce Ross

Hilary Tann

John Stevenson

Margaret Chula

David Giacalone

Janelle Barerra

Tomislav Maretic

Victor Gendrano

Florence Vilén

John Stevenson

a gull or a pelican
on each old pylon
winter sunrise

Bruce Ross


midwinter thaw
last night I dreamed
my dad was alive

John Stevenson


low gray sky —
an afghan warming
on the radiator

David Giacalone


February dusk —
a mouse is eating
from the cat’s saucer

Tomislav Maretic


her old voice
young with love speaking
to her old cat

Florence Vilén



choosing the sunniest spot
to fill my tank

Hilary Tann


senior center
dust collects on
origami cranes

Margaret Chula


evening rain . . .
the new phone book
without his name

Janelle Barerra


winter rain
the warmth of her touch
in my dream

Victor Gendrano


a penny for my thoughts?
the fireflies
of last summer

John Stevenson



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