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Favorites from 2004

The Heron’s Nest


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VII, Number 1: March, 2005.
Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11
Haiku for Elizabeth - Pages:  1,  2,  3 • 
Elizabeth Searle Lamb Memorial - Index of Contributors

Sabine Miller

Robert Bauer

Charles Trumbull

Peggy Heinrich

Adelaide Shaw

Kevin Paul Miller

Cindy Zackowitz

Carmen Sterba

Vanessa Proctor

Nara Bauer

New Year’s Eve —
she teaches me
how to breathe

Sabine Miller


cold morning rain:
all the swoosh is gone
from the fallen leaves

Charles Trumbull


bus stop —
the winter dance
of cold feet

Adelaide Shaw


what the raven
has to say about them
snow clouds

Cindy Zackowitz


frosty morning
an old man boxes
his shadow

Vanessa Proctor



tooth marks
in the sharp cheddar . . .
the long night

Robert Bauer


New Year’s Day
the sycamore’s
uneven shadow

Peggy Heinrich


winter dawn —
waiting for the school bus
kids pretend to smoke

Kevin Paul Miller


first snow!
the congregation of birds
suddenly bolder

Carmen Sterba


taps . . .
a snowflake melts
on her dimple

Nara Bauer



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