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Favorites from 2004

The Heron’s Nest


Home • Volume Contents • About • Connections

Volume VII, Number 1: March, 2005.
Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved by the respective authors.

Editors’ Choices • Commentary • Index of Poets • 
Haiku Pages:  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11
Haiku for Elizabeth - Pages:  1,  2,  3 • 
Elizabeth Searle Lamb Memorial - Index of Contributors

Mary Lee McClure

Marcus Larsson

Gary Hotham

Sandra Simpson

Colo Buchanan

Ruth Holzer

Bruce Ross

David Giacalone

Tony Beyer

Charlie Close

evening star —
fold upon fold
the quiet blue hills

Mary Lee McClure


day at the zoo —
the elephant’s shadow
in a small place

Gary Hotham


sunshine on the canal
an old nun stops
to empty her shoes

Colo Buchanan


outdoor café
the dog takes interest
in my interest

Bruce Ross


cool dusk
the tide finds
the sandcastle

Tony Beyer



early summer
the children’s list
of what they’ll bring

Marcus Larsson


dry season —
rock paintings
by a vanished people

Sandra Simpson


August afternoon —
behind the poetry books
a dry apple core

Ruth Holzer


new paperback —
the sun sets
without me

David Giacalone


bright stars
campfire coffee
full of grounds

Charlie Close



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